Peddy Experience
Wellbing where you want, you Will Love your Chair
We can’t give you superpowers,
but we can give you the Peddy experience

a body-mind experience that involves your senses
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Peddy Fitness

Postural fitness on the chair to release muscle tension, strengthen and improve posture with specialized Peddy trainers

Sit comfortably on your sofa or chair with your peddy step and pedal.
Open the link of the fitness video you prefer and train following the Peddy trainer
The gym directly to your home or office
Peddy Trekking

Walk immersed in splendid natural landscapes, with chromotherapy and a yoga asana similar to “Thratakam”

Sit comfortably on your sofa or chair with your peddy step and pedal
Open the video link with the landscape you prefer
You will feel like you are walking while meditating, immersed in nature while sitting comfortably in your home or office
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Peddy Music

A wide choice of songs for intelligence, relaxation & ambience, energy

Sit comfortably on your sofa or chair with your peddy step and pedal
Connect to the link of the 8d music you prefer and relax. If you want, choose energizing music
Free your mind and recharge
You can use music videos together with the Trekking and Fitness peddy
to enter the world of the Peddy Experience all you need is
Want to know more about Peddy? Write to us!

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